A 13-year-old rape victim in Korba, Chhattisgarh recently gave birth to a child after being gang-raped by four individuals. The innocent victim suffered through a traumatic experience and is now faced with the consequences. The news has caused widespread outrage and calls for justice. Authorities are investigating the matter and working to bring the perpetrators to justice. This heart-wrenching incident serves as a reminder of the need for increased efforts to protect women and children from sexual violence.
- प्रधानमंत्री मत्स्य संपदा योजना के तहत हितग्राही को चार पहिया वाहन प्रदान
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- चक्रधरनगर पुलिस ने 7.22 किलोग्राम गांजा के साथ तस्कर को पकड़ा, साथी फरार
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