In an effort to enhance security measures, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has upgraded his convoy with 12 brand new and gleaming Fortuner vehicles. These advanced cars have replaced the older vehicles and have been equipped with the latest technology, including bulletproofing. The new vehicles were first seen in the Chief Minister’s convoy this morning as he left for a tour of Bhanupratappur.
The number plates on the new vehicles also carry a special significance, as all have a series of 23. This number choice is believed to have been suggested by an astrologer, as arithmetical astrology suggests that the radix of 2 and 3 is 5 and the planet Mercury is the lord of Radix 5. It is believed that this number brings intelligence and cleverness to a person.
As the state prepares for the 2023 elections, the new security fleet for Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel is seen as a strategic move. The change from aging vehicles to advanced Fortuners underscores the commitment to maintaining the safety and security of the Chief Minister and his team.