The MLA Shailesh Pandey has raised the issue of opening an AIIMS in Bilaspur in the state assembly. His demand has been supported by the BJP, and opposition leaders Narayan Chandel and Dharma Lal Kaushik. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has also given his approval. The decision to open one AIIMS in every small state has been taken by the central government. Singhdev, who arrived in Bilaspur, said that the burden of work has increased on the Raipur AIIMS, and patients from neighboring states also come here, so Bilaspur is the best option for setting up another AIIMS. If the proposal for opening an AIIMS in Chhattisgarh is received, the state government will propose Bilaspur for it. Currently, the central government has not taken any decision on this matter.
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