The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) visited the residence of former Bihar Chief Minister Rabri Devi on Monday morning in connection with the land-for-jobs scam. However, it was clarified by a CBI official that Rabri Devi had set today’s date for questioning at her residence and that the agency did not “barge in”.
It was reported that Lalu Prasad Yadav, Rabri Devi, and Misa Bharti were issued summons by the Rouse Avenue court based on CBI’s chargesheet, asking them to appear on March 15. However, the CBI team reached Rabri’s residence before the date as Rabri Devi had herself decided Monday, March 6 as the date of questioning.
The land-for-jobs scam allegedly occurred between 2004 and 2009 when Lalu Prasad Yadav was Union Railway Minister. In its probe, the CBI found that the accused, in connivance with the then General Manager of Central Railway and CPO of Central Railway, had appointed persons in their name or their close relatives in lieu of land. The land was acquired at a price lower than the prevailing circle rate and much lower than the market rate.
The CBI further stated that during the period from 2004 to 2009, Lalu Prasad had obtained land in the name of his family members and received pecuniary benefits from the candidates in exchange for jobs in Group D posts in various zones of the Railways.
The federal probe agency alleged that in this case, 1,05,292 feet of land in Patna was acquired by the family members of Lalu Prasad Yadav by paying cash to the vendors. It has also been alleged that no advertisement or public notice was issued for recruitment in Railways. Nonetheless, those who were residents of Patna were appointed as substitutes in various Zonal Railways located at Mumbai, Jabalpur, Kolkata, Jaipur and Hajipur.
The investigation is ongoing, and the CBI is determined to bring all those involved in the land-for-jobs scam to justice.