Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu: Four people, including two members of the Hindu Munnani outfit, were arrested and sent to judicial custody for allegedly assaulting migrant workers in Coimbatore city, as confirmed by the police on Monday. The incident occurred near the Mahaliamman Temple on Sunday night, leading to the arrests the following day.
Police Commissioner V Balakrishnan stated in a press conference that all four accused were found to be under the influence of alcohol at the time of the incident. The Commissioner added that “a case has been registered against all four at PS Variety Hall Road,” with further investigations underway.
This incident follows unverified reports on social media that alleged attacks on migrant laborers in Tamil Nadu, which led to a team from Bihar visiting Tamil Nadu earlier this month to take stock of the situation. The team visited Tiruppur and met with the district administration and police officials to understand the actions taken so far in the case. Bihar government officials also interacted with Bihar-based migrant workers in Chennai.
On March 9, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin accused the BJP of spreading rumors about the attacks on migrant laborers. The Chief Minister further stated that there were no such incidents in Tamil Nadu, and the delegates from Bihar who visited the state left satisfied.
The alleged assault on Bihari migrants in Tamil Nadu had created a massive political ruckus in both states, with LJP chief launching an attack on the Bihar CM on the issue.
The incident highlights the need for better protection of migrant workers in the country and stricter action against those who engage in violence against them. Such incidents have long-lasting effects on the victims, and it’s essential to create a safe and secure environment for all citizens, irrespective of their backgrounds or ethnicities.