Tension erupted in Bemetara district of Chhattisgarh, India on Saturday, April 8, after a child was beaten by a group of people, leading to a clash between two groups allegedly belonging to different faiths. The incident resulted in the death of one person, and several others, including police personnel, were injured.
According to Bemetara Superintendent of Police, Indira Kalyan Elesela, the clash broke out in the Beeranpur area under Saja police station limits in the morning after a child was thrashed by a few individuals. The situation escalated quickly, and a dispute between two groups turned intense, leading to the death of a man. The police have detained those involved and are on the lookout for other suspects.
In response to the incident, the police and senior officials of the district administration rushed to the scene and assured the villagers that necessary action will be taken. Heavy security was deployed in the area to control the situation, and Section 144 has been imposed as a preventative measure. The police have resorted to mild force to disperse the mob and ensure peace in the area.
As of now, the exact cause of the incident remains unclear, but the police are investigating the matter to determine the circumstances leading to the clash. The police have urged the public to remain calm and cooperate with them in their efforts to restore peace in the area.