The police have arrested a couple, along with about a dozen others, for cheating people out of crores of rupees by pretending to be the OSD officer of a minister and promising jobs in various government departments. The incident took place in the Muzgahan police station area of the capital. The accused couple, Roshan Lal Mishra and Tankeshwari Samund, executed the fraudulent scheme together.
The scheme came to light when Jhaman Lal Nirmalkar, the victim, filed a complaint with the Mujgahan police station. Mishra and Samund, who are neighbors with Nirmalkar, promised him and his relatives jobs in government departments in exchange for a total of Rs 1 crore 55 lakh in cash and online installments. However, when they failed to deliver on their promise, Nirmalkar demanded the return of his money, which the couple refused to do, and instead kept rotating him.
After the complaint was received, the Anti-Crime and Cyber Unit, along with the Mujgahan Police, arrested Mishra and Samund for their involvement in the scheme. The accused couple was interrogated, along with Nirmalkar and his relatives.
Focus Keyphrase: OSD officer impersonation scam uncovered in Muzgahan police station area
Sub headline: Police arrest accused couple and a dozen others for cheating people out of crores of rupees by impersonating an OSD officer and promising government jobs.