The resignation of Gurcharan Singh Hora, former General Secretary of the Chhattisgarh Olympic Association, has been accepted by Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel. Following his resignation, Devendra Yadav, the MLA of Bhilai Nagar, has been appointed as the new General Secretary of the Chhattisgarh Olympic Association. This information has also been conveyed to PT Usha, the President of the Indian Olympic Association, by the Ministry of Sports and Youth Welfare.
The acceptance of Hora’s resignation comes after an audio recording went viral, raising concerns about alleged monopoly in the cable TV business in the state. The audio recording contained conversations where Hora was purportedly using the name of CM Bhupesh to exert pressure. It was also claimed that officers were providing them with reports, including information about communications with the Collector and the SSP. Hora resigned on September 20, 2022, following the release of this controversial audio tape. However, he cited health problems as the reason for his resignation.