More than 42 state service officers from Odisha recently visited the CHIPS office located in the Civil Lines office of the capital city, Raipur. During their visit, these officers were acquainted with the information technology infrastructure operated by CHIPS and were provided insights into the plans ahead.
Mr. Amitabh Sharma, the Chief Executive Officer of CHIPS, expressed that the integrated e-procurement project, facilitating government purchases and sales, is effectively introducing transparency and cost efficiency to government transactions. Currently, 56 state departments, divisions, corporations, and boards are actively engaged with this project, conducting their procurement activities through the integrated e-procurement portal. This streamlined approach has not only saved valuable time but also reduced costs for the state.
Highlighting the project’s significance, Mr. Amitabh Sharma emphasized its instrumental role during the global pandemic. Despite lockdown restrictions, the government was able to procure essential commodities at the lowest rates, ensuring convenience for the citizens.
The occasion witnessed the presence of Mr. Amitabh Sharma, Chief Executive Officer of CHIPS, along with notable attendees such as Mr. Anil Pathak, Deputy Director, Finance Department, Government of Chhattisgarh; Mr. Bijju Dutta, Joint Director, Finance, Odisha; Mr. Vivek Kumar Singh, Joint Chief Executive Officer, Finance and Administration, CHIPS; and Project Head Mr. Prateek Pandey.