The Uttar Pradesh government has decided to make the controversial film ‘The Kerala Story’ tax-free in the state. The movie delves into the dark subject of grooming gangs in Kerala, which include women, men, and clerics who manipulate and convert Hindu and Christian girls and send them to Syria to become ISIS wives. The film portrays the struggles faced by these girls and their inability to return to India due to the country’s stringent anti-terrorism policies.
Directed by Rajesh Nair, the film has received widespread attention since its release for its hard-hitting and unflinching portrayal of a serious issue. The UP government’s decision to make the film tax-free is expected to ensure that a larger number of people can view the film and understand the gravity of the situation.
The film’s depiction of the dark realities of grooming gangs and the harsh truth of terrorism has earned it both praise and criticism. Some have lauded the movie for its honesty and candidness in showcasing the reality of the issue, while others have criticized it for portraying an entire community in a negative light.
Regardless of the controversy, the UP government’s decision to make the movie tax-free is seen as a step in the right direction. It will encourage more people to watch the film and engage in a much-needed dialogue on the issue. Furthermore, it will help in creating awareness about the legal loopholes and lack of support for victims of such crimes.
The film’s portrayal of a sensitive and complex subject is expected to have a significant impact on the audience and create a meaningful discourse on the issue. The decision by the UP government is an excellent example of using cinema as a medium to create social awareness and is a step towards encouraging filmmakers to create more socially relevant and informative content.