In a twist worthy of a crime thriller, a couple believed to be the masterminds behind a daring multi-crore heist met their downfall due to an unexpected craving for a fruit-flavoured drink near Uttarakhand’s Hemkund Sahib. Mandeep Kaur and her husband Jaswinder Singh, alleged kingpins of the audacious robbery at a cash management firm’s office in Ludhiana, have now been apprehended by the Punjab Police.
The robbery took place on June 10 when armed robbers overpowered guards at the office of CMS Services and made off with a staggering тВ╣8 crore in cash. Following their successful heist, Mandeep Kaur and Jaswinder Singh embarked on a pilgrimage to the revered Sikh shrine of Hemkund Sahib, seemingly to express gratitude for their ill-gotten gains, revealed Ludhiana Police Commissioner Mandeep Singh Sidhu.
While the police had received intelligence that the couple planned to flee to Nepal, their escape plans were thwarted by a lookout notice. Instead, they decided to visit Hemkund Sahib, Kedarnath, and Haridwar, biding their time and plotting their next move.
Identifying the couple amidst the sea of devotees at Hemkund Sahib posed a significant challenge for the police. In a stroke of cleverness, a free drinks kiosk was set up, offering packets of a refreshing fruit-flavoured drink to the worshippers. Unbeknownst to Mandeep Kaur and Jaswinder Singh, this innocent gesture concealed a trap. Oblivious to the lurking danger, they approached the kiosk, collected their beverage packets, and unconcealed their faces to take a sip. In that moment, the police swiftly identified the culprits but refrained from making an immediate move, patiently waiting for the couple to complete their prayers.
As the couple emerged from the shrine, their prayers completed, the police sprang into action, swiftly apprehending them after a brief chase. A sum of тВ╣21 lakh was recovered from the couple, and police efforts have resulted in the recovery of nearly тВ╣6 crore out of the тВ╣8-crore loot. Thus far, nine individuals involved in the heist have been arrested, showcasing the swift and efficient operation carried out by the Punjab Police.
Expressing satisfaction with the successful arrests, Punjab Police Chief Gaurav Yadav emphasized the professional and scientific approach employed by the police teams in solving the multi-crore robbery within a remarkable 100-hour timeframe. He added, “This incident should serve as a chilling reminder for all anti-social elements.”
The extraordinary turn of events near Hemkund Sahib serves as a testament to the relentless pursuit of justice and the inevitable consequences that await those who dare to engage in criminal activities. As the investigation continues, the Ludhiana heist case stands as a vivid reminder that no crime can escape the determined efforts of law enforcement agencies.