Former Chhattisgarh Chief Minister and BJP leader, Dr. Raman Singh, has exposed a disturbing incident through a shared video, capturing a shocking act of violence in a girls’ hostel in Chhattisgarh. In the harrowing video, a man is seen viciously kicking a teenage girl in her belly during a heated argument. The girl can be heard crying out in excruciating pain, raising concerns about the safety and well-being of the students.
Raman Singh used the video as a platform to condemn the Bhupesh Baghel-led government in Chhattisgarh. He called upon the government to confront the dire situation faced by the daughters of Chhattisgarh, stating, “You are bragging big in front of the youth, if you have the courage, then tell them about these circumstances as well.” Expressing his dismay at the government’s silence despite witnessing such an appalling incident, Raman Singh expressed grave concern for the safety of girls in the state.
The video, purportedly shot inside a girls’ hostel, captures a heated argument between the man and the girl. As the man attempts to leave the room, the girl blocks the door, escalating the altercation. In a disturbing turn of events, the man resorts to physical violence and kicks the girl in her stomach, causing her to collapse in anguish.
The authenticity and further details of the video are yet to be disclosed, leaving the public deeply disturbed by the incident and awaiting action from the authorities.