On the auspicious occasion of Raksha Bandhan, a day symbolizing the unbreakable bond between brothers and sisters, a heinous crime shook the community in Hasaud, near the capital Raipur. Two real sisters, returning after tying rakhi to their brothers, were subjected to a horrifying gang rape. This incident has ignited a wave of anger and concern in the region, leading to demands for immediate action to address the continuous occurrence of such crimes.
In response to this disturbing event, members of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) took to the streets to express their outrage. The ABVP Arang Unit’s City Minister, Nomesh Verma, stated that ABVP organized protests across the state by burning the effigy of the state government. Memorandums were also handed over to the governor in various district centers, highlighting growing concerns over the deteriorating law and order situation in the state.
The protests aimed to awaken the government from its slumber and emphasize the urgent need for improved law enforcement and safety measures. The ABVP activists, along with city and rural residents, rallied against the unsettling trend of crime incidents, particularly against women, demanding swift and decisive actions to curb such occurrences.
Notable individuals who participated in the protest included Narendra Lodhi, Chaman Sinha, Mayank Dubey, Bhojraj Sahu Nagar, Rishikesh Sahu, Uma Yadav, Pammi Yadav, Jeetu Pal, Prashant Yadav, Chandrashekhar Yadav, Tushar Chandrakar, Mamta Nishad, Lata Sahu, and several students from the area. Their collective voice serves as a call to prioritize the safety and well-being of citizens, especially in light of distressing events like the Raksha Bandhan gang rape incident.