In a solemn gesture, Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel bestowed a ceremonial chadar at the revered shrine of Hazrat Baba Syed Abdurrahman Shah Kabuli Rahmatullah Alaih, located at the historic old bus stand in Durg. His prayers were dedicated to the well-being and prosperity of the people of the state.
The occasion witnessed the presence of several dignitaries, including Shri R.N. Verma, Vice Chairman of the State Backward Classes Commission, Mr. Rajendra Sahu, President of the District Cooperative Central Bank, Mr. Rauf Qureshi, Mr. Mohammad Aslam, Mr. Azhar Jamil, and various officials from the Dargah.
CM Bhupesh Baghel’s visit to the shrine and the offering of the chadar symbolize a spiritual connection with the cultural and religious heritage of the region, fostering unity and blessings for Chhattisgarh’s citizens.