In a forward-thinking initiative, Raipur’s police force, under the guidance of city superintendents of police, gathered more than 250 individuals with a history of minor criminal activities from various police stations. These individuals were paraded within the police stations and provided with guidance on living a crime-free life while fostering peace within their families.
The police emphasized the importance of immediate cooperation whenever required for the maintenance of security, peace, and law and order in the area. Notably, this event did not involve the parade of hardcore criminals or individuals associated with land mafias. Instead, it focused solely on engaging individuals with records of minor offenses.
Furthermore, active gangsters faced legal actions under restrictive sections and the Arms Act, demonstrating the authorities’ commitment to ensuring the safety of the community through a proactive approach.
Raipur’s law enforcement continues to build connections within the community, striving to create a secure and harmonious environment for all residents.