In a significant development, Raigarh Police apprehended the main accused in a ₹3.57 crore embezzlement case involving the former branch manager of a Gramin Bank and an accomplice. The accused, Rahul Kumar Sharma, was on the run after fraudulently manipulating the accounts of 165 KCC (Kisan Credit Card) account holders.
The case came to light on July 20, 2022, when Sandeep Thakur, the former branch manager of the bank located in Kirodimal Nagar, absconded with vital assets, including the bank’s gate keys, safe, FRFC, mobile handset, and SIM card. A formal complaint was lodged, leading to the registration of a criminal case under Section 409 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). Two co-accused were arrested and remanded in custody during the initial stages of the investigation.
The prime accused, Rahul Kumar Sharma, had evaded capture and fled to Ajmer, Rajasthan, following the incident. Raigarh Police, under the guidance of SSP Sadanand Kumar and trainee IPS Udit Pushkar, initiated a rigorous search operation to locate and apprehend the fugitive.
After receiving reliable information about the accused’s presence at his residence in Ajmer, the police team, led by trainee IPS Udit Pushkar, proceeded to Rajasthan. The accused, along with his mother, Beena Sharma, had locked themselves inside the house. Subsequently, a coordinated raid was conducted with the local police, resulting in the arrest of Rahul Kumar Sharma and Beena Sharma.
On September 5, 2023, both accused individuals were brought to Raigarh on judicial remand. Beena Sharma was sent to jail on judicial remand, while Rahul Kumar Sharma was taken into police custody for further interrogation.
During the course of the investigation, Rahul Sharma admitted to the details of the fraudulent scheme. As the bank’s manager, he tampered with applications submitted by customers seeking KCC loans and gold loans. Without their knowledge, he inflated the loan amounts. His accomplices, including Beena Sharma, K. Haripriya, Rahul Mehta, Aakash Mehta, and Kunal Verma, facilitated the embezzlement by transferring funds among themselves and withdrawing the money. Rahul Sharma disclosed that he invested a significant portion of the ill-gotten gains in the stock market, incurring substantial losses. He also confessed to spending lavishly on online gambling, travel, and socializing.
Raigarh Police seized key evidence, including bank details, ATMs, a government laptop, two mobile phones, and SIM cards that Rahul Sharma had in his possession while on the run. The bank accounts of the accused individuals involved in the embezzlement scheme were also frozen.
Two other accused individuals, Aakash Mehta and Kunal Verma, remain at large. Raigarh Police are actively pursuing leads to apprehend Kunal Verma.
This development represents a significant breakthrough in the ongoing investigation into the embezzlement scandal. It underscores the commitment of law enforcement authorities to bring the perpetrators of financial crimes to justice.
Arrested Accused:
- Rahul Sharma (Age: 36 years, Residence: New Govind Nagar, Ajmer, Rajasthan)
- Beena Sharma (Age: 58 years, Residence: New Govind Nagar, Ajmer, Rajasthan)
The present in-charge branch manager of the bank reported that Rahul Sharma served as the branch manager from November 31, 2021, until July 18, 2022. On July 18, 2022, he absconded with the bank’s gate keys, safe keys, FRFC keys, bank’s mobile handset, and SIM card, leaving behind a trail of financial irregularities. The investigation revealed fraudulent activities in the accounts of 165 KCC account holders and the preparation of forged documents.