Raipur Collector Dr. Sarveshwar Narendra Bhure has given strict instructions to the corporation officials to repair the city roads. The Collector has said that keeping in view the civic facilities, the repair work of the roads should be done within a week. Work on war footing in this. Also, the Zone Commissioner should visit the wards in the morning for all the works related to civic amenities. Listen to people’s problems and solve them immediately. He gave these instructions in the meeting held in the Red Cross meeting room. The Collector said that the potholes in the roads of all the wards of the Municipal Corporation should be repaired immediately and patch work should be done. Dr. Bhure gave strict instructions to improve various roads of the city by 30th September.
The Collector said that all the zone commissioners should personally inspect the roads of the wards under them. At the time of Ganesh Visarjan, the roads through which Ganesh tableaux will be taken out should be compulsorily improved so that the committees do not face any problem while taking out the tableaux. He said that the ponds and rivers in which Ganesh immersion is to be done and the ponds in them should be cleaned and adequate security arrangements should be made along with other resources for the immersion. Also keep the ponds located in different parts of the city clean.
Dr. Bhure said that take special care of the cleanliness of the city. Monitor the cleanliness system daily. Keep every square and intersection clean. Do not allow accumulation of water, garbage etc. He said that the damaged street lights should be repaired. Electricity supply should remain smooth. Complete the distribution of lease under Rajiv Gandhi Ashray Yojana as soon as possible. Take special care of the statues of great men located at various intersections by keeping them clean.
He said that when the general public comes to the officials with their daily problems, they should listen to them sensitively and solve them as much as possible. Municipal Corporation Commissioner Shri Manyak Chaturvedi, various zone commissioners and other officials were present in the meeting.