In a recent incident in Lailunga, Rajesh Chauhan, a supervisor of a company engaged in road and bridge construction, reported a theft. The incident occurred during the construction work of roads and bridges undertaken by M/s Manoj Kedia Sarangarh, a contractor working on several projects under the CGRDC in the Lailunga area. Specifically, bridge construction work was underway on the Narayanpur Piprahi Lamdand road.
On the night of September 20, 2023, villagers noticed suspicious activity near an under-construction bridge. They observed individuals removing the centering plate from the bridge and loading it onto a Bolero vehicle parked nearby. When company staff and villagers approached the scene, the suspects fled into the forest, leaving behind the Bolero vehicle and the stolen centering plate. Lailunga police registered a theft case against unknown culprits in connection with this incident and initiated an investigation.
The suspects abandoned the Bolero vehicle at the scene, and after gathering information from informants, the police detained Virendra Rawat, a resident of Karrahan. Rawat was interrogated, and he revealed details about his associates, including Akshay Jatwar, Sanoj Kumar, and American Singh. These individuals had planned to dismantle Akshay Jatwar’s Bolero vehicle, steal the centering plate from an under-construction culvert, and take iron from the vehicle. They also intended to steal a water pump and a battery from the same construction site, a plan they had devised 15 days prior to the incident.
Acting on the information provided by Virendra Rawat, the Lailunga police team apprehended the remaining suspects, Akshay Jatwar, Sanoj Kumar, and American Singh. During their arrest, the police recovered stolen items, including one water pump valued at ₹20,000, one battery valued at ₹8,000, six centering plates valued at ₹6,000, and a Bolero vehicle without a number plate valued at ₹3,00,000. The total value of the recovered property amounted to ₹3,34,000.
The arrested suspects, identified as Akshay Jatwar, Sanoj Kumar Jatwar, Virendra Raut, and American Singh, were taken into custody for the theft and subsequently sent to judicial remand at the JMFC Court in Gharghoda. The success of this operation was attributed to the diligent efforts of Lailunga police, led by Station In-charge Inspector Mohan Bhardwaj, Assistant Sub Inspector Chandan Netam, and their dedicated team.