In a heartbreaking incident in Chhattisgarh’s Dantewada district, a young couple, both Class 12 students, tragically ended their lives by hanging themselves, highlighting the challenges they faced in their love affair. The student named Mantu, aged 18, and a minor girl, both residents of Geedam Jawanga Gram Panchayat, were deeply in love, but their relationship was met with opposition from their families.
The unfortunate incident unfolded when the young lovers went missing from their homes on Friday, triggering a frantic search by their concerned relatives. Despite their efforts, the couple could not be located. Subsequently, the worried relatives reported their disappearance to the Geedam police.
On Saturday, the police discovered the lifeless bodies of the young couple hanging in a forest near Jawanga. Salim Khakha, the in-charge of Geedam police station, disclosed that the deceased individuals were engaged in a love affair, vehemently disapproved of by their respective families. Overwhelmed by the familial opposition to their relationship, the couple took the drastic step of ending their lives.
The bodies of the deceased have undergone post-mortem examinations and have been returned to their grieving families, marking a tragic end to their ill-fated love story.