Chhattisgarh Deputy Chief Minister TS Singh deo has once again clarified the controversy surrounding his recent praise for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Singh deo explained that there are two distinct platforms where he presents his views in different manners.
On one hand, there is the stage of government programs, where all public representatives adhere to different etiquettes and maintain the dignity of the common platform shared by the Central and State Governments. On the other hand, there is the political platform, where political discourse is more combative.
The controversy arose when Prime Minister Modi, during his visit to Bilaspur in Chhattisgarh, raised questions about the intentions and policies of the Congress party while mentioning the state’s finances. PM Modi highlighted that Chhattisgarh had received significant funds from the central government for various development projects in the last five years, including roads, railways, and electricity.
Deputy Chief Minister Singh deo’s candid acknowledgment of the facts presented by PM Modi caused a stir within the Congress party, leading to a political controversy.
Singh deo’s clarification underscores the need to differentiate between the government’s official platform and the political discourse that takes place in the public arena.