The Congress party has officially kickstarted its campaign for the upcoming Chhattisgarh assembly elections by releasing its inaugural list of 30 candidates. Among the prominent names are Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, who will contest from Patan, and Deputy Chief Minister TS Singh Deo, who is fielded from Ambikapur.
A major electoral showdown is anticipated in Rajnandgaon, where the Congress has nominated Girish Devangan to face off against BJP leader and former State Chief Minister Raman Singh. Additionally, Vikram Mandavi, Lakheshwar Baghel, Deepak Baiji, and K Chavindra Karma Dantewada have been chosen as candidates in various constituencies.
Further names in the list include Taradhwaj Sahu, who will be contesting from Durg (Rural), Ravindra Choubey from Nawagarh, and Yashoda Verma from Khairagarh.
The Chhattisgarh assembly elections will be held in two phases, with the first round of voting scheduled for November 7 and the second round on November 17. The results are set to be announced on December 3.
Having secured 68 out of 90 assembly seats in 2018, the Congress is striving to replicate its success in the forthcoming elections, bolstered by outreach to backward classes and an array of welfare initiatives.
The BJP, on the other hand, has already unveiled two lists featuring 85 candidates. The party’s campaign revolves around allegations of corruption against the Congress government, which has been the subject of numerous investigations by central agencies over the past three years. These investigations encompass various facets of alleged corruption, including coal distribution, excise policy, cow dung procurement, and state Public Service Commission admissions during the Congress government’s tenure.