Amidst the aftermath of the BJP’s triumphant win in Chhattisgarh, speculations are burgeoning about the appointment of the new Chief Minister. The focus has notably shifted towards Union Minister of State Renuka Singh, who recently secured the Bharatpur Sonhat MLA seat and is being seen as a probable candidate for the state’s highest office.
Signaling towards the potential elevation, district officials conducted a comprehensive inspection in Ramanujnagar, where Singh resides. Sources revealed that the District Collector, SP, and an entire team surveyed the vicinity around her residence on Tuesday. Detailed discussions and instructions regarding security measures were also conveyed to the local police.
The anticipation of Singh’s candidacy for Chhattisgarh’s Chief Minister post saw fervent expressions of support from BJP workers and her followers. Known for her assertive leadership and tribal representation within the BJP, Singh’s stature has been rising significantly within the party ranks.
Originally hailing from Ramanujnagar in Surajpur district, Singh, previously serving as a Surguja MP, clinched victory as the MLA from the Bharatpur Sonhat assembly seat. Her emergence as a front-runner for the Chief Ministerial role has gained momentum, especially in the wake of Congress’s sweeping victory in the Surguja division.
In view of the mounting speculation, Surajpur Collector Sanjay Aggarwal, along with Superintendent of Police Indira Kalyan Elisela, DFO Pankaj Kamal, and District Panchayat CEO Leena Kosam, meticulously surveyed the situation surrounding Singh’s residence in Ramanujnagar on Tuesday.
The buzz surrounding Renuka Singh’s potential elevation to the helm of Chhattisgarh’s leadership has engrossed political circles, elevating the anticipation for an imminent announcement.