A catastrophic incident has unfolded in the Kamleshwarpur police station area of Mainpat, Surguja, Chhattisgarh, involving a school bus carrying a group of children. Reports have emerged indicating numerous injuries among the school children due to the unfortunate accident.
The distressing mishap transpired when nearly 50 school children from Dhamtari were returning from a picnic. The bus, reportedly transporting the children, lost control and veered off the road, plunging into a ditch in the vicinity of Kali Mandir.
The ill-fated incident occurred during the return journey following a day of leisure at Mainpat, where the children were on a school-organized picnic. Upon receiving immediate alerts about the accident, Collector Kundan Kumar promptly directed a rescue operation. The administration team swiftly arrived at the site and commenced the rescue efforts to extricate the affected children.
Injured children are being swiftly transported to the nearest healthcare facilities in Ambikapur under the supervision of Collector Kundan Kumar. The administrative team is actively engaged at the scene, coordinating rescue operations. A police contingent, including emergency response teams like 112, has been deployed to the location to assist in the ongoing rescue endeavors.
Efforts are underway with the collaborative support of local residents, aiding the authorities in safely retrieving children from the bus.