With the BJP securing a mandate of 55 seats in the Chhattisgarh Assembly elections, preparations are underway for the state’s new governance. Following a consensus in the meeting of BJP’s newly elected MLAs, Vishnu Deo Sai emerged as the unanimous choice for the legislative party leader. Sai is poised to take the oath as the Chief Minister on December 13, marking a pivotal moment in Chhattisgarh’s political landscape.
In adherence to established political etiquette, invitations have been extended to opposition stalwarts for the auspicious swearing-in event. Chief Minister-elect Vishnu Deo Sai reached out personally to former Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, as well as former Deputy Chief Minister T.S. Singh Deo, and Chhattisgarh Pradesh Congress Committee President Deepak Baij, extending a cordial invitation for their presence at the momentous ceremony scheduled at Raipur’s Science College grounds. In addition, the state government is extending invitations to esteemed political figures and officials for this significant event.