After being disqualified from parliament, Rahul Gandhi launched a fierce attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, claiming that the Prime Minister is afraid of his upcoming speeches. Gandhi, who was convicted in a defamation trial and subsequently disqualified as an MP, also addressed accusations that he insulted Other Backward Communities (OBCs) with his remarks on the Modi surname.
Denying the BJP’s claims that he sought international intervention in domestic affairs, Gandhi demanded the right to respond to allegations made against him in parliament. Despite being disqualified and facing jail time, Gandhi remained undaunted, stating that he will continue fighting for the truth and defending the democratic nature of the country.
In response, the BJP doubled down on its accusations against Gandhi and claimed that the Congress is attempting to use his disqualification as a way to gain electoral advantage in Karnataka. Former Union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad pointed out that Gandhi is not the only leader to have been disqualified, with six from the BJP also facing the same fate.
The case against Gandhi stemmed from his alleged remark implying that PM Modi is a criminal during a 2019 election rally in Karnataka. Gandhi’s comments were widely criticized by the BJP, who claimed that they were part of a smear campaign against those who share the Modi surname and the OBC community. Despite the controversy, Gandhi remains resolute in his pursuit of truth and justice.