Congress candidate Amarjeet Bhagat from Sitapur Assembly constituency of Surguja district of Chhattisgarh has been issued a notice by the Returning Officer. The notice comes after the FST team raided Bhagat’s warehouse in Adarshnagar, Sitapur and seized sarees and sports equipment.
The surveillance team raided two warehouses located in Pratapgarh on the information of an informer and recovered the goods kept in sacks. Along with this, a suspicious Tata Magic vehicle was chased and caught, from which sports material and other items were found.
During the inspection of the warehouse, 1640 pieces of sarees, 555 pieces of sports shoes, 384 pieces of T-shirts and sports materials including an umbrella with the name of Congress candidate Amarjeet Bhagat written in sacks were recovered. After preparing the Panchnama of the seized material, the information was sent to the District Election Office.
The Returning Officer of Assembly Constituency No. 11, Sitapur has issued notice to Bhagat. The name of Indian National Congress candidate Amarjeet Bhagat was found written in these materials. The Returning Officer has issued a notice to the candidate asking him to submit his answer within 24 hours.