In a startling turn of events linked to the Mahadev Satta Case in Chhattisgarh’s Durg district, Sushil Das, the father of accused Asim Das, reportedly took his own life, raising perplexing queries about the circumstances leading to this tragic step.
The distressing incident unfolded as the lifeless body of Asim Das’s father was discovered in a well within Durg. Asim Das had been apprehended by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in Durg, allegedly in possession of Rs 5 crore. Presently, Asim Das remains incarcerated in connection with the Mahadev Satta App case.
The grim discovery of 65-year-old Sushil Das’s body occurred in Achoti village, where he served as a watchman at the farm owned by industrialist Rupesh Gautam. Reports indicate that Das plunged into the well, prompting immediate intervention by local law enforcement, who conducted necessary formalities including a Panchnama and dispatched the body for post-mortem examination.
The distressing incident transpired on Tuesday, with Durg Police overseeing the recovery of Sushil Das’s body. Sources intimate that the elder Das experienced profound distress subsequent to his son’s arrest in connection to the Mahadev Satta (Mahadev App) case.
Sushil Das, who dedicatedly discharged his duties as a watchman in Achoti for the past five years, went missing from his quarters after work, failing to return home. His disappearance instigated a search, culminating tragically with the discovery of his body in the farm’s well.
The untimely demise of Asim Das’s father has cast a somber shadow over the ongoing legal proceedings and has raised pertinent questions regarding the circumstances and the impact of the Mahadev Satta case on individuals associated with the accused.