Raipur’s law enforcement, acting on ongoing reports of illegal liquor sales across Kharora, Vidhan Sabha, and Dharsiwa areas, initiated robust measures. Senior Superintendent of Police, Mr. Prashant Aggarwal, directed Additional Superintendent of Police Rural, Mr. Neeraj Chandrakar, and respective police station in-charges to take stern action against the accused based on the received information.
Following these directives, law enforcement teams, under the leadership of police station in-charges from Kharora, Vidhan Sabha, and Dharsiwa, conducted operations over the past 15 days. As a result, in six cases in Vidhan Sabha, six accused were apprehended, and 16 liters of illicit liquor were confiscated. Similarly, in Dharsiwa, 17 cases led to the arrest of 17 accused and the seizure of 36 liters of contraband. Moreover, in 16 cases, 16 individuals were arrested, and 54 liters of illegal liquor were seized, with necessary legal actions taken against the offenders.
Raipur Police’s unwavering efforts to curb the menace of illegal liquor sales continue as part of their ongoing enforcement operations.